Курс иностранных валют

23 октября 2024










Shareholders of «ForteLeasing» (ФортеЛизинг) JSC

Notification of carrying out of extraordinary general meeting of shareholders

«ForteLeasing» Joint Stock Company (hereafter – Company) (place of the Board of Company: The Republic of Kazakhstan, 050008, Almaty city, 68/74, Abai ave.,) hereby informs the shareholders about carrying out of the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of the Company (hereafter – meeting) on the initiative of the Board of Directors of the Company.
Meeting will be held in April 19, 2018 at 09.00 a.m. (Almaty time) at the address: Almaty city, 68/74, Abai ave., 4 floor, conference hall of the Company.
Meeting will be held in accordance with the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On Joint Stock Companies».
Registration of participants of the meeting will be performed in April 19, 2018
at 08.00 a.m. (Almaty time) at the place of meeting.
In case of absence of quorum the repeated meeting will be held in April 20, 2018 at 09.00 a.m. (Almaty time) at the address: Almaty city, 68/74, Abai ave., 4 floor, conference hall of the Company.
Registration of participants of the meeting will be performed in April 20, 2018
at 08.00 a.m. (Almaty time) at the place of meeting.
List of shareholders, having the right to participate in the meeting, will be made as of 00.00 a.m. (Almaty time) in April 05, 2018.

Agenda of the meeting
    «1.    On determining of the number of members, term of office of the Board of Directors of the Company, electing of the members thereof, determining of the amount and term of payment of remuneration, as well reimbursing of expenses to the members of the Board of Directors of the Company for the performance of their duties».
Shareholders of the Company can become familiar with materials of the meeting on the date and in order set by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On joint stock companies», at the address: Almaty city, 68/74, Abai ave.
* * *
We ask to provide the Company with a candidate for the member of the Board of Directors in accordance with the agenda matter of the meeting «On identification of quantitative composition, term of powers of the Board of Directors of the Company, election of the members, identification of size of remuneration to the members of the Board of Directors of the Company».
We inform that, in accordance with p. 2 of the article 44 of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On joint stock companies», information of proposed candidates for the member of the Board of Directors shall include:
1)    surname, name, as well as optionally – patronymic;
2)    information of education;
3)    information of affiliation to the Company;
4)    information of work places and held positions for last three years;
5)    another information confirming qualification and work experience of candidate.

Information telephone: +7 (727) 344-28-82.