Курс иностранных валют

19 февраля 2025










Shareholders of Temirleasing JSC

Notice on Amending the Agenda of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders.

Temirleasing Joint Stock Company (hereinafter the “Company”) (Management Board of the Company seats at: 68/74, Abai ave., Almaty city, 050008, Republic of Kazakhstan) notifies its shareholders on amending by the Company Board of Directors of the agenda of Extraordinary General Meeting of Company Shareholders appointed to be held on 12 January 2015, by adding the third issue “On approval of the Charter in the new edition”.

As was informed earlier, Extraordinary General Meeting of Company Shareholders (hereinafter the “Meeting”) shall be held on 12 January 2015, starting from 10.00 by Almaty standard time at following address: 68/74, 2nd floor, conference room of the Company, Abai ave., Almaty city.

Participants of the Meeting will be registered on 12 January 2015 from 09.00 by Almaty standard time, at the venue of the Meeting.

At absence of quorum, adjournment of the meeting shall be held on 13 January 2015 starting from 10.00 by Almaty standard time at following address: 68/74, 2nd floor, conference room of the Company, Abai ave., Almaty city.

Participants of adjournment of the Meeting will be registered on 13 January 2015 from 09.00 by Almaty standard time at the venue of the Meeting.

The list of shareholders having the right to participate at the Meeting will be prepared as at 25 December 2014, 00.00 by Almaty standard time.

Agenda of the Meeting (amended)

1. On determining of number, term of powers of the Company Board of Directors, electing of members thereof, determining of amount of remuneration to members of the Company Board of Directors.

2. On changing the name of the Company.

3. On approval of the Charter in the new edition.

Shareholders of the Company shall get acquainted with the Meeting materials within the terms and in the manner set by Republic of Kazakhstan Law “On Joint Stock Companies”, at following address: 68/74, office 411, Abai ave., Almaty city.

Should you have any questions, please call: +7 727 259 65 12.

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In accordance with the issue of the Meeting agenda “On determining of number, term of powers of the Company Board of Directors, electing of members thereof, determining of amount of remuneration to members of the Company Board of Directors”, please submit to the Company a list of candidates to be members of the Board of Directors.

Please be informed that in accordance with article 44.2 of Republic of Kazakhstan Law “On Joint Stock Companies”, information on the candidates offered to be members of the Board of Directors of the Company shall include the following:

  • last name, first name, and at candidate’s option — patronymic name;
  • education background;
  • information on affiliation to the Company;
  • information on jobs and positions held during the last three years;
  • other information confirming qualification and experience of the candidate.